today's other readings are Isaiah 50: 4-9 and Psalm 69
At the Newman Centre at the University of Toronto, when I served as its Pastor, we had a Student Campus Ministry (SCM) team who lived in the residence there, with me.
I like to say that in those years my respect for parenthood skyrocketed. For the the term "Father" also included another title "substitute Dad". And as "Dad", there were frequent moments when dishes would be left out on the table or in the sink, things would not be put away, etc., which would get my blood boiling.
Of course, when I would ask "Who did it?", the answer was always "Not me". This became so frequent that I used to complain about the mysterious SCM named "Not me".
This story comes to mind when I think of the story of Judas' betrayal and Jesus questioning him about this beforehand - "Surely, not I", or Peter's strong protests that he would end up betraying Jesus.
God knows our hearts before we do something wrong, and He certainly knows after we have done so.
The person of faith is called to avoid doing wrong, and if he or she does so, take the responsibility for doing so.