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Jan. 19 - 1 Samuel 24: 2-20

Fr. Michael MachacekNativity of Our LordJanuary 19, 2024

today's other readings are Psalm 57 and Mark 3: 13 - 19

This reading is about the deadly sin of envy.  But it is also about a response of hope and mercy. 

Saul is an example of envy taken to the extreme.  For he sees David as a threat to his power, threat to his role as King.  He knows that God disapproves of him.  He knows that David is the new "shining star in the sky", who actions and words have put him in good stead in the eyes of God and of the people of Israel.  Saul's response?  Try to get rid of David - kill him.

David could have tried to lead to a rebellion against Saul.  But as we heard, he responds with mercy based on a hope that Saul will mend his ways and turn his heart away from evil.  

We need to look at this story and ask - have there been any instances in my life where my actions and motives mirror that of Saul?  And when have I been like David in my response to others who have wronged me?