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September 18 - Lk. 8: 1-3

Fr. Michael MachacekNativity of Our LordSeptember 18, 2020

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This very short passage contains some very important information.  First, Jesus had quite a group of people supporting his mission.  Secondly, while the 12 apostles were a big part, in this passage, Luke outlines something that must have been quite a surprise to the people of his time - that women played a very large role in Jesus' work.  We hear of Mary Magdalene and Joanna and Susanna, and many others. Thirdly, some of the women needed healing from Jesus - this is another indication that those Jesus chose were not ordinary people with strengths and weaknesses. 

The inclusion of women in Jesus' followers would have been a surprise and viewed by many as a scandal - for the work of any religious group in Judaism at that time would have been strictly considered as "Man's work" - this was not something for women to be part of.  Not only that, but women were also financially supporting Jesus and the 12. How Jesus was providing for a new model of leadership in faith communities!

2000 years later, while many things have changed, but some things have remained the same - for example, the fact that women are still generously giving their time, talents and treasures in supporting, sustaining and providing leadership for the work of the church - perhaps now even more than ever. 

I thank almighty God for the countless women, lay and religious, who I have encountered in the life of the Church and our parishes, and I bless them for all that they have done and continue to so devotedly and graciously do.  And I also trust that God will not forget the countless good things they have done.