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March 31st - Numbers 21: 4 - 9

Fr. Michael MachacekNativity of Our LordMarch 31, 2020

For the readings and prayers of today's mass, please go to

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Back in January, I believe it was, I shared a true story of a little girl who came up to me and asked:

"Fr. Michael, now that you are old, if was wondering if your Mom still Moms you?" I still giggle to myself about how forthright she was. As well, for me, there were two rather humourous elements about her question - in the second part, even though her phrasing wasn't grammatically correct, I completely understood what she as asking - and by the way, my answer was a very definite YES. But I also loved her brashness in stating "now that you are old". Now I do realize that for some our parishioners, I am not old, but in her eyes, I'm ancient.

I am getting older, and there many signs of this - like the fact that the lovely brown hair I once had has become a distant memory. Another sign is that my memory isn't what it used to be. For the longest time I was excellent in remembering people's names, but not anymore. I also find now more and more I have to frequently check my calendar so I don't miss appointments. But I know I am not alone in this - so many people in my age range are experiencing the same thing.

Memory issues also constantly plagued our Jewish ancestors in the faith. This would especially happen when they were going through challenging times. In those times they would solely focus on their current reality and complain bitterly, as frequently happened during their 40 year sojourn in the desert before their arrival into the Promised Land.

Today's reading is a classic example of this. The people grumble against Moses, which also implies they are grumbling towards God as well, as Moses is the one chosen by God to lead the people. They complain about the desert conditions they find themselves in, with its lack of food and water, and they have come to detest the manna from heaven that God provides them with each day.

Here's where we see their failing memory. For it was God who provided them with a leader to confront the Pharaoh of Egypt and demand their release from slavery in Egypt. It was God who allowed them to cross the Rad Sea unharmed while Pharaoh's army was destroyed. It was God who provided them the bread from heaven to ease their hunger. It was God who was with them in the Ark of the Covenant that was part of the Caravan. God had done so much them already. But they still complained.

We read what next happens - serpents come into their midst, and many die. Now they remember God, and how they cry out to Him for forgiveness and for protection. And once again, God forgives them and protects them. He did it before, and He will do it again.

Do we ever forget about what God has done for us? I urge you to take some time today to compile a list of things that God has done for you. The first item on your list should be the fact that God made you. And keep on thinking. I dare say your list should be quite lengthy. Even when we are going through hard times, like these times, God is still doing much for us.

Next week is Holy Week. And the countless events that we will celebrate in Holy Week will provide us with a wonderful opportunity to remember, recall and celebrate what God had done for us.


The Jesuits of Ireland for many years now have been providing a lovely website called "Sacred Space". Besides the daily reflections, on the homepage you will find a six part Lenten retreat which focusses on the gospels of the first five Sundays of Lent. Even though we are in the last part of Lent, consider doing this six part retreat to prepare yourself to enter into Holy Week. The website is: